Steve 'cabrinha' Ntouzos  id: 939696
CPU Amd Sempron 3000+ @2400 Barton core
RAM 2*512mb Kingston DDR400 2-2-2-5 Micron chips
Videocard Asus V9999 6800@6800gt 380/900 128mb
Soundcard Creative SoundBlaster X-Fi Fatality FPS
Storage 2*Wd 320GB, Wd Raptor 150GB
Motherboard Msi K7N2 Delta ILSR
Display Samsung SM223BW
OS Windows XP SP2 // Ubuntu 7.10
CD/DVD Plextor PX-716A, Plextor PX-130A
Mouse Logitech Mx500
Mouse Skatez Steelpad pads
Mousepad Steelpad QCK+
Keyboard Microsoft Internet
Headphones Sennheiser pc155 usb
Connection aDSL 1024/768 Forthnet Flat rate
Wheel/Pedals No money, no honey
Joypad Logitech Rumblepad II
TV Philips 29" CRT flat
Sound system Creative P580 5.1
Console(s) Playstation2, Nintendo64
Handheld(s) Gameboy, Gameboy pocket
Drink Coca-Cola
Food Pittogyra
Movie Godfather
Music Everything that sound good to my ears
Song Bad religion - American jesus
Book Komi tis Verenikis
Book author ΟΕΔΒ
Person My friend Antony
Actor / Actress Robert DeNiro
Car Dodge Ram
Sport Basketball
Athlete Kathigitis Nterekis
Map de_inferno
Clan dh -
Player requiem - eel
Game Hero Wile E.
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Half-Orcs
Console Super Nintendo
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4
Never disagree with an idiot because you will fall into his level and he will win you with his experience.