Hardware | |
CPU | i7 4770K |
RAM | 16 gb corsair |
Videocard | gtx 780 |
Soundcard | - |
Motherboard | msi z97 oc |
Mouse | g502 |
Headphones | g35 |
Favourite... | |
Sport | Roadracing |
Favourite... | |
Map | Locker |
Contact me via: ╔-● http://play.eslgaming.com/player/9559528/ (competitve player since november 2015) ╠-● https://www.youtube.com/c/PlanBBattlefield ╚-● jojos.ts.gamed.de "I will get knocked out on my way to the top. But i will keep standing up and will come back even stronger." ~ Plan-B |