Hardware | |
CPU | Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 2x 4,0GHz OCZ |
RAM | 4GB Corsair XMS2-6400 CL5 DDR2-800 |
Videocard | PowerColor 1024MB 4870 PCIe |
Storage | 1x200GB S-ATAII; 1x1000GB Extern |
Motherboard | GIGABYTE GA-EP43-DS3L Intel P43 |
Display | 22'' Samsung Syncmaster 2243NW |
Mouse | Logitech G500 |
Mousepad | Roccat Sense |
Keyboard | Logitech G15 |
Headphones | Plantronics Gamecom 377 |
Connection | Arcor 16.000 |
Joypad | X-Box 360 Wireless |
Handheld(s) | iPod touch |
Favourite... | |
Drink | leckaaarrr Pils, Whiskey-Cola, Fanta |
Food | leckaaarrrr |
Movie | Pulp Fiction |
Music | SpEEdRoCk, TriP-HoP, oLdSkooL HiP-HoP |
Song | Peter Pan Speedrock - S.O.B.S.O.S. |
Book | Fleisch ist mein Gemüse |
Book author | Heinz Strunk |
Actor / Actress | Robert DeNiro |
Car | 60/70er Muscle-Cars, lOw-rIdEr |
Sport | Fussball, E-sport |
Athlete | Mehmet Scholl |
Favourite... | |
Map | WAKE, KURSK, KARKAND - iNfEn!!! |
Clan | [a4o] |
Player | [a4o] Schweinegott |
Game Hero | Leisure Larry |
Genre | Arsch zu Mund |
Console | x-box 360 |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.all4one-clan.d.. |
Website 2 | http://www.wurstbrot-all4.. |
Danke Lena, danke Casper <3 Mein BF2 Video - 243.000 Zuschauer...top that! Awards und Clanhistory findet Ihr in der Beschreibung Noli turbare circulos meos! Meine Awards: >online< >ESL 1on1 und 2on2< 3. Platz ESL ICQ Games Poker 1on1 Ladder GER Best Score: 133-0-91 1385 Punkte (Stand 15.10.08) 4. Platz ESL 2on2 KotB Tank-Cup Team Armoured Division Blood and Oil 1. Platz ESL Poker powered by Everest Poker - Sit'n'Go Tagesturnier (16.03.09) / Qualifikation Wochenfinale 6. Platz ESL Poker 1on1 PokerTH Heads-Up Ladder GER (Stand 14.10.10) Best Score: 137-0-115 1424 Punkte (Stand 03.05.09) 3. Platz ESL Poker powered by Everest Poker - Sit'n'Go Tagesturnier (24.03.09) / Qualifikation Wochenfinale 4. Platz ESL Poker powered by Everest Poker - Sit'n'Go Tagesturnier (09.04.09) / Qualifikation Wochenfinale 3. Platz ESL Poker powered by Everest Poker - Sit'n'Go Wochenfinale (12.04.09) - Link 2. Platz ESL Poker powered by Everest Poker - Sit'n'Go Tagesturnier (15.04.09) / Qualifikation Wochenfinale 4. Platz ESL Poker powered by Everest Poker - Sit'n'Go Tagesturnier (20.04.09) / Qualifikation Wochenfinale 4. Platz ESL Poker powered by Everest Poker - 6 IN VEGAS (07.05.09) 2. Platz ESL Poker powered by Everest Poker - 6 IN VEGAS (08.05.09) 1. Platz ESL Poker powered by Everest Poker - 6 IN VEGAS (14.05.09) / Qualifikation 6 In Vegas ESL Squad - Link 4. Platz ESL Poker powered by Everest Poker - ESL European Poker Challenge (20.01.10) 3. Platz ESL Poker 1on1 PokerTH Fixed Ladder GER Best Score: 16-0-5 1232 Punkte (Stand 14.10.10) >All4One< 1. Platz Battle Friends League Sieger der Qualifikation zur Season I/06 BF2 8on8 2. Platz Battle Friends League Squadfusion mit Kinetic Energy POE2 Season 06/07 1. Platz ESL BF2 4on4 Infantry Ladder 09/06 GER 1. Platz Battle Friends League 2.Division Season I/07 - alle Awards von All4One >myHOH.Crowfire/myCore/Lunatic-Warriors< 1. Platz ESL BF2 4on4 Infantry Ladder 03/08 GER 1. Platz ESL BF2 FBF 4on4 Infantry Ladder 04/08 EU 1. Platz Gamez-Club BF2 4on4 Cup 07 - Gruppe A 5. Platz ESL BF2 4on4 Summer-Cup 07 >Lunatic/Prediction< 1. Platz ESL BF2 8on8 Conquest Ladder 07/08 GER 2. Platz ESL BF2 8on8 Conquest Ladder 03/08 EU >Team-Two< 2. Platz Clanbase BF2 Opencup 2008 1. Division Vorrunde 1. Platz Swiss Funleague BF2 Season 01/08 Conq. 8on8 Gruppenphase Pro-Ladder 1. Platz Swiss Funleague BF2 Season 01/08 Conq. 8on8 Finals >Prediction-Gaming< 1. Platz ESL BF2 4on4 Infantry Ladder 12/08 GER 1. Platz ESL BF2 4on4 FBF Infantry Ladder 12/08 EU >Maja flieg net so schnell< 5. Platz UEESA.org BF2 12on12 Champions League 12/08 EU >Cologne Gaming Team< 1. Platz ESL Poker 3on3 PokerTH Heads-Up Ladder 03/09 EU 2. Platz ESL Poker 2on2 PokerTH Heads-Up Ladder 02/10 GER >madHerosquad< 2. Platz ESL BF2 8on8 Conquest Nightcup IV 04/09 EU 1. Platz ESL BF2 8on8 Conquest League Season I Gruppensieg / Gruppe D 05/09 EU 2. Platz ESL BF2 8on8 Conquest League Season I 07/09 EU >DiE Oldsql9r< 2. Platz ESL BF2 6on6 Conquest KotB II 07/09 GER >BF2-Nationalteam 2009< 4. Platz ESL BF2 8on8 Country Championships 2009 EU/Worldwide >High FiDelity & Friends< 3. Platz EA Masters BFBC2 Beta Turnier 8on8 Rush 02/10 EU - Link 1 / Link 2 >offline/lanevents< 1. Platz MCLan Need for Speed VIII: Underground 2 "Drag-Race" Contest 1. Platz Laninferno 16 BF2 8on8 powered by AOL.WWCL 3. Platz Laninferno 16 Pokerturnier powered by betfairpoker next events: Northcon Neumünster 18.12. - 20.12.09 Clanhistory: -piZZa-Clan 2004 (Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory) Position:Player Ingame:Field-Ops,Medic Played@public Status:inaktiv -All4One seit 2004 (BF42,BF2,POE2,Unreal Tournament,Poker,Flatout2) Position:Clanleader,Sponsoring Ingame:Tank,MTW,Gunner,Infantry Played@ESL,GC,BFL,Leaguez,OL Status:aktiv@clan-community -ConneX von 06/07 bis 10/07 Squadfusion BF2 8on8 mit Kinetic Energy Position:Squadleader Ingame:Tank,MTW Played@ESL,BFL Status:inaktiv -myHOH.Crowfire von 07/07 bis 02/08 BF2 4on4 Infantry Position:Player Ingame:Medic Played@ESL,GC Status:changed mainteam -myHOH.Crowfire seit 10/07 ESL Opening-Cup COD4 Position:Player Ingame:Assault Played@ESL Status:inaktiv -Dem Admin ist unser Name nicht egal - Lunatic/Prediction seit 01/08 BF2 8on8 ESL-Conquest DE/Int. Position:Leader/Player Ingame:Tank,MTW Played@ESL Status:inaktiv -Team-Two seit 02/08 BF2 15on15, 8on8 Position:Player Ingame:Infantry,Tank,MTW [email protected], ClanBase, SwissFunLeague Status:inaktiv -mYCore seit 02/08 BF2 4on4 Infantry Position:Player Ingame:Medic Played@ESL Status:changed mainteam -Lunnatic-Warriors seit 04/08 BF2 4on4 Infantry Position:Player Ingame:Medic Played@ESL Status:inaktiv -Prediction-Gaming seit 07/08 BF2 4on4 Infantry Position:Teammanager Ingame: - Played@Trains Status:inaktiv -Maja flieg net so schnell seit 09/08 BF2 12on12 Champions League Position:Player Ingame:Tank, MTW, Inf Played@UEESA Status:inaktiv -They Kick Ass seit 11/08 BF2 5on5 Non-FBF Bundesligaqualifikation Position:Player Ingame:Medic Played@ESL Status:inaktiv -High FiDelity seit 02/09 BF2 4on4 Infantry, BF BC 2 8on8 Rush Position:Player Ingame:Infantry, Tank Played@ESL, EA Masters Status:inaktiv -Cologne Gaming Team seit 02/09 3on3 PokerTH-League Position:Player Played@ESL Status:inaktiv -madHerosquad seit 03/09 BF2 8on8 Conquest Position:Player Ingame:Tank, MTW Played@ESL Status:inaktiv -BF2-Nationalteam 2009 BF2 8on8 Country Championships 2009 Position:Player Ingame:Tank, MTW, Infantry Played@ESL Status:inaktiv GrEEtZ to: -All4One -milan.bf2 -Kinetic Energy -Gottes Böhser Zorn -die Geisterjäger -Fight4U -KomaCrew -Zone Of Fighting Friends Special GrEEtZ to: Fully; Fresh; Bash; Manuel Shark; ScarfaceWTS; Djevlen; EXT4SY aka Hotte aka Bananenbaron; BLN-Killer; Vinyard; X-Tina; Speedy; Michel; Leckarwurstbrot; Schoko; PianO; Strauchdieb; diearschschuheineperson; Mauli; Maya; Basti18; Sh4der; Scarface; Puffy; Shörbi; Migghan und alle anderen Gatherschlampen die mich kennen ;) |