Yashagoro  id: 991565
CPU Intel i5 - 2500K 3,3 GHz
RAM 8 GB DDR3 RAM Kingston Hyper-X
Videocard GTX 570
Soundcard onBoard
Storage OCZ Vertex 2 SSD 60 GB
Motherboard Asus P8P67LE
Display LG
OS Windows 7
Antivirus Symantec
CD/DVD DVD Brenner
Mouse Rocat Kova
Mousepad steelseries
Keyboard Logitech G105
Headphones Steelseries
Connection KD 100 Mbit
Mobile Phone iPhone
Drink Wasser
Food Asiatisch
Movie Komödien, Aktionefilme, Fantasy, Abenteuer
Music alles auf was ich gerade Lust hab
Song Dragonforce - Valley of the Damned
Person Knowme
Actor / Actress Adam Sandler
Car Audi
Sport Handball, Football
Athlete Kretschma
Clan Team Spartanien
Player knwome
Game Hero Sylvanas
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Human
Genre MMORPG, Moba
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.yashagoro.net