Pascal 'Levi' dos Santos  id: 996726
CPU Intel HQ Octacore 8*3,5 GHZ
Videocard nVidia GeForce GTX 860M
Soundcard OnBoard 5.1 Dolby Digital
Storage 128GB SSD, 1TB
Motherboard Inten
Display 17,3 Zoll HD
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
CD/DVD Blue Ray
Mouse Logitech MX 500
Mouse Skatez Standard
Mousepad Speedpad
Keyboard Standard
Headphones Speedlink Medusa 5.1
Connection T-DSL 4000
Wheel/Pedals nur in cs
Joypad Saitek ST90 (für Battlefield 2)
Drink Grüner Tee
Food Pizza
Movie Back to the future 1-3 :)
Music Metal(-core) , Deathcore
Song We Came As Romans - Present Future and Past
Book Solaris
Book author Stanislav Lem
Person Jared Leto
Actor / Actress Christian Bale
Car 1970er Dodge Challenger
Sport Badminton, Tischtennis, Fußball
Athlete Rwa
Map de_inferno
Clan Mouz , PlayinG
Player siehe Lieblings Sportler
Game Hero the one and only SUPER MARIO
Genre Metal
Console Wii
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.os-community.d..