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dtdarklycid  id: 6681913
Name --
Nick dtdarklycid
Member since 02/03/12
Age / Gender 27 Years / male
Territory Germany
Main team RTGac
Homepage --
Level & Awards
StarCraft II
Clash Royale
FIFA 22 (PS4)
Battlefield 1 (PC)
Brawl Stars
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Leagues & tournaments
TOURNAMENT-1185 2. 0-0-0  Streak 0
playtest-xxxx-swiss 1. 1-0-0  Streak +1
pavel-test-1 2. Cup  
Recent matches
win TheRogue  Friday, 28/07/23 14:00
loss foreo  Friday, 28/07/23 13:00
loss kra  Friday, 28/07/23 12:00
loss Titich  Friday, 28/07/23 11:00
win dinamica  Friday, 28/07/23 10:00
win basert  Friday, 28/07/23 09:00
loss MOW Test  Tuesday, 21/02/23 07:00
loss z  Thursday, 22/08/19 12:30
win Milant  0 Monday, 03/12/18 06:07
  Go4SC2 Europe Cup #783 (€100)
loss Maga  0 Sunday, 03/06/18 08:35
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