Ingenium   id:  10126234
Name Ingenium
Shorthandle ign
Registered since 18/05/16
Headquarters  Singapore
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Latest matches
  Overwatch (PC) 6on6 Community Cup #3 Southeast Asia
loss   Avalon Esports  0 Friday, 08/07/16 02:00
wins   TalonSG  + 2 Friday, 08/07/16 01:00
  Overwatch (PC) 6on6 Community Cup #2 Southeast-Asia
loss   Saigon United Alpha  0 Sunday, 03/07/16 05:30 1
wins   NXA-Gaming  + 2 Sunday, 03/07/16 04:30
wins   dankest of memes  + 2 Sunday, 03/07/16 03:30 0
  Overwatch (PC) 6on6 Community Cup #1 Southeast-Asia
loss   UE-SEALions  0 Friday, 06/05/16 06:00
wins   无效战队名称!  + 2 Friday, 06/05/16 05:00 4
wins   OUTFOX  + 2 Friday, 06/05/16 04:00
wins   Saigon Suicide Squad  + 2 Friday, 06/05/16 03:00 1
The word Ingenium is Latin for "intelligence" and "natural ability", traits that define what we believe is the winning formula for a successful team. A competitive eSports team that consists mostly of full time working adults, it is imperative that we not only train hard, but also train smart to fully utilize the limited time we have. Therefore, we believe in placing like-minded players in their areas of strengths both in and out of game, setting them up for success. Led by the "X-brothers", Xquisit and Xattie, Ingenium seeks to redefine the gaming landscape in Singapore. We believe that discipline, humility and intellect are the core defining factors that breeds champions.