Mind-Reading   id:  10142993
Name Mind-Reading
Shorthandle m-R*
Registered since 26/05/16
Headquarters  Belgium
Area/Region Belgique / France
A great bunch of friends coming out from France and Belgium. Our main goal is to have fun and spend some time in tournaments to reach everything we'll be able to. We will do LAN Events as much as we can to meet the community and having fun with. Hope to see you all there, byyye.
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Latest matches
  Overwatch (PC) Open Ladder 6on6 Europe - June 2016
loss   Holobobos OW  -18 Thursday, 23/06/16 15:26
  Overwatch (PC) 6on6 Heroes Cup #1 Europe
loss   Salty Gameplay  0 Thursday, 09/06/16 13:45 2
wins   (bye)  Thursday, 09/06/16 13:00
  Overwatch (PC) 6on6 Launch Cup Europe
loss   Slav Squad  0 Friday, 27/05/16 14:00
wins   (bye)  Friday, 27/05/16 13:00