Angels of Death (AOD) - EU   id:  10457726
Name Angels of Death (AOD) - EU
Shorthandle AOD EU ESL
Registered since 03/09/16
Headquarters  European Union
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Latest matches
  Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #180
loss   FREETHINKERS  0 Sunday, 21/07/19 10:30
wins   Badaim  + 2 Sunday, 21/07/19 09:00
  Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #179
loss   NEWGEN GO4 MIX  0 Sunday, 14/07/19 13:30
wins   Gottlobs Träublesschorle  + 2 Sunday, 14/07/19 12:00
wins   Han  + 2 Sunday, 14/07/19 10:30 6
wins   The NinjaZ  + 2 Sunday, 14/07/19 09:00 1
  ESL Premiership Rainbow Six: Siege Summer Promotion Series Cup #4
loss   Mazoku  0 Monday, 08/07/19 19:00
  Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #178
loss   Sapphire  0 Sunday, 07/07/19 09:00 8
  R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #366 Europe
loss   POFANUKATAEM  0 Wednesday, 26/06/19 17:30
wins   Cetrioli  + 2 Wednesday, 26/06/19 16:00 1
Angels of Death was established back in 1999.

We have over 3000 members globally and we span over multiple major titles such as Battlefield, Star Wars Battlefront, Armored Warfare, Planetside 2 and the list can go on, We have newly formed a Tom Clancy division within AOD which supports all upcoming Tom Clancy and Rainbow Six games such as The Division, Siege and Ghost Recon Wildlands.

Now we feel it is time to start stepping up our game and pushing for more of a competitive type of game!