Valkyrie eSports   id:  10475865
Name Valkyrie eSports
Shorthandle VKR
Registered since 11/09/16
Headquarters  Canada
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Latest matches
  Rainbow Six Siege (One) Open Ladder 5on5 North America
wins   FLAWLESSKILLERS  + 14 Sunday, 09/10/16 19:30
loss   Team Greed  -33 Sunday, 09/10/16 18:15
wins   back_street_boys  + 13 Sunday, 09/10/16 17:00
wins   Paradox  + 15 Sunday, 09/10/16 16:00
wins   StocktonLake  + 17 Saturday, 08/10/16 16:20
wins   Omega Gulf  + 10 Saturday, 08/10/16 16:00
wins   Shothas  + 31 Friday, 07/10/16 22:00
wins   Light Speed Gaming  + 32 Friday, 07/10/16 22:00
  Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #36
loss   ToxicGG  0 Sunday, 09/10/16 15:00
wins   Scrubs  + 2 Sunday, 09/10/16 14:00
Each teammate trusts the judgement of the others.
Team goals are understood by everyone.
There is plenty of communication between team members.
Above it all, we get things done. Our team is full of talented rainbow six siege players that are working day in and day out to our work their competitors.

Currently Sponsored by Valkyrie eSports.