FHD.vc -6on6- Team Gsarea.de   id:  1058648
Name FHD.vc -6on6- Team Gsarea.de
Shorthandle FHD.vc|
Registered since 02/01/05
Homepage http://www.fhd-clan.de
IRC #FHD.gsarea  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of FHD Team Gsarea.de
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #FHD.gsarea  (QuakeNet)
Join team
╠ → The Bockwürste are Coming

╠ → Rules
╠ →ى don't cheat!
╠ →ى don't flame!
╠ →ى don't lame!
╠ →ى winner uploads screens!
╠ →ى we challege without ICQ!
╠ →ى questions? ICQ!
╠ → fairplay plz!

╠ → Statistics
╠ →ى Played Games: 9 (8-0-1)
╠ →ى Wins: 8
╠ →ى Draw: 0
╠ →ى Loss: 1
╠ →ى scarcest game against 3SF - Full.PoWeR - 7:5
╠ →ى largest victory against VCK 6x6 - 18:1
╠ →ى hardest enemy in future Not Identified - thursday, 10.02.05 20:00
╠ →ى we are so far with just 1 loss in 9 matches!

╠ → Lineup
╠ →ى CrYpToNiX
╠ →ى EdeStoiber
╠ →ى gUiLty
╠ →ى M!cka
╠ →ى MaSter
╠ →ى RaVeN
╠ →ى Vicious

╠ → Best Rank
╠ →ى CTF 6on6 Ladder with Die Bockwürste : 5