Hydro  HYD.  id:  10731081
Name Hydro
Shorthandle HYD.
Registered since 05/12/16
Homepage http://hydroclaneu.wixsite.com..
Headquarters  United Kingdom
Area/Region EU
Some of our members have been playing Rainbow since it was first released on pc, with some of us playing the closed and open betas. Combined our clan has over 1500 hours of Rainbow Six Siege experience -only counting the full release version-. We pride ourselves on communication and specialising each member with two main operators, which they feel they play best with. We are Team Hydro.
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Latest matches
  Rainbow Six Siege (PC) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
loss   IrA Blue R6S  -26 Friday, 21/07/17 15:15 6
draws   IrA Blue R6S  -2 Wednesday, 05/07/17 15:30 10
loss   Oserv Esport  -16 Thursday, 25/05/17 15:30 11
wins   Pandemonium  + 28 Tuesday, 18/04/17 15:30 16
loss   SFPD Unity  -25 Saturday, 01/04/17 12:00 14
loss   Valhalla Gaming  -17 Sunday, 19/03/17 13:00 7