Team Work Defined EU   id:  10750871
Name Team Work Defined EU
Registered since 12/12/16
Subteam of Team Work Defined
Headquarters  United Kingdom
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Our Goal:
TWD's goal is to be the best and most respected clan on the xbox live seine.

What We Do:
TWD uses tight teamwork and tactics to rise above the enemy. We do this using a chain of command and training for our members. We play honestly and respectfully anytime we are in-game.

What We Don't Do:
We do not cheat in any way, shape, or form, Including but not limited to hacks, glitches, overpowered weapons, and noobish gestures.
We do not send derogatory messages to other players nor do we complain when we lose. We do not take "lone wolf" players.

What New Members Need to Know:
Get familiar with the site, there is alot of information for members. Most of the important information will be sent to members via their private in-box once they register and enlist. You will be sent a message every time you rank up with important information about your new rank and what is required for your next rank.