nyRbs   id:  1124543
Name nyRbs
Shorthandle nyRbs
Registered since 13/02/05
Homepage http://www.nyrbs.org
IRC #fx3-clan  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #fx3-clan  (QuakeNet)
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-x nyRbs! x-

Message From President of World Campus

Greetings in the Name of Jesus motherfucking Christ!

In the 21st century, you can earn a degree by staying right where you are. Distance schools in America are flourishing with the need of many people to save time and expenses for education. Theological Seminaries that cultivate the Gospel warrior are not exceptional as I have stated.
Many seminaries and Christian Schools are turning towards liberalism and humanism thus losing its focus on God.

God is not realized by man’s theory or by any organ of human perception. God is known by faith through His words in Scripture until He reveals Himself.
But well known seminaries in America, including those in developed countries, give strive to scientific, philosophic and historic proof that the Bible is true.
NYRBS is not inclined to provide specific denominational tradition and doctrines. NYRBS fellows the Gospel at a keeping Biblical Theology as well.
Therefore you can learn and earn a degree at a lower cost and time while saving without train a to physical place of study. We hope having to commit large army of the Lord’s disciples.

Thank you! And May God Bless You!