provieH  4 life  id:  1145851
Name provieH
Shorthandle #provieH
Registered since 28/02/05
IRC #provieH  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of konSes -Main-
Headquarters  Germany / Neustadt
IRC #provieH  (QuakeNet)
Join team
║» Short description:
2 oWnage boyz on the way to get a provieH
our motto: one-messer-schwing-headshot only!
just chillin'
║» Lineup :
ە sergeant aka s! is a provieH...............SteamID:<0:1:8181>
ە Argy Bargy aka a! is a provieH......................SteamID:<0:0:6641438>
║» Pages :
ە clan: konSes
ە squad: konSes CS 1.6 5on5
║» Infos 4 fighting us:
contact us via IRC, ICQ or mail.
record demos!
the winner has to upload the screens (= stats + status)
confirm the result immediately!
no insults, flame, or other unfair behaviour!
give a credibility in relation to the match but not to our skill!
║» Our gameserver:

║findet sich immer einer :D

no dreamrulez!!

new demorulez since 28.07.05
