FGP.CoD 2 3on3   id:  1152979
Name FGP.CoD 2 3on3
Shorthandle FGP.
Registered since 05/03/05
Homepage http://www.fgp-clan.com
IRC #FGP-Clan  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of FGP.broKen
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #FGP-Clan  (QuakeNet)
Join team
«×» about clan...
¬ name: Foundation of Global Players
¬ since: 1.September 2002
¬ clantag: FGP.
¬ webpage: FGP-Clan.com

«×» more...
¬ challenge: contact Leader/Orga via ICQ/IRC..
¬ winner: upload; Screenshots - Demos
¬ looser: Only the behaviour of the enemy is to rate.
¬ other: Be Right 4 Fight

«×» visit...
¬ FGP-Clan.com

«×» sponsors
¬ SilentHost.de

«×» last words...
¬ Play HarD & Fair !!!