KS_Clan  KillSteal Clan  id:  11560017
Name KS_Clan
Shorthandle KS
Registered since 25/07/17
Headquarters  United States
Welcome to the KillSteal Clan. We are an amateur Esports organization consisting of a group of friends that are actively competing in both Rainbow Six Siege and Rocket League Tournaments on XboxOne. The KS_Clan is constantly expanding it's influence across the platform and looks to grow further.
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Latest matches
  Rainbow Six Siege (One) Open Ladder 5on5 North America
wins   BHOLD  + 24 Monday, 04/05/20 21:00 1
wins   FBI Gaming  + 31 Saturday, 02/05/20 22:00 1
loss   AceGaming  -21 Saturday, 02/05/20 20:00
loss   silver Dream  -21 Friday, 01/05/20 20:00
wins   Tequila Gaming  + 28 Thursday, 30/04/20 21:45 3
wins   Team Njoy  + 15 Thursday, 30/04/20 20:00 2
loss   2020 Redeem Team  -17 Wednesday, 29/04/20 21:45
draws   The Nexus  0 Friday, 26/07/19 21:00
wins   Evoke Esports  + 22 Thursday, 27/06/19 21:15 1
wins   Desperado Esports  + 26 Thursday, 27/06/19 20:00