Typhoon Community  [club]  id:  11675986
Name Typhoon Community
Shorthandle TYP -
Registered since 01/09/17
Homepage https://www.facebook.com/Typho..
Headquarters  International
  Typhoon Gaming 
Join team
[ES / Spanish / Español]
Typhoon Community es una comunidad de Discord fundada el 17 de Julio de 2017. Sus miembros, jugadores, participan en distintos juegos tales como: League of Legends, Minecraft, Brawlhalla, Osu!, Fortnite, entre otros. Nuestra comunidad cuenta con una división de eSports llamada "Typhoon Gaming" que de momento posee un equipo activo de League of Legends, explorando la posibilidad de ir por más juegos.

[EN / English / Inglés]
Typhoon Community is a community of Discord founded on July 17, 2017. Its members, players, participate in different games such as: League of Legends, Minecraft, Brawlhalla, Osu !, Fortnite, among others. Our community has an eSports division called "Typhoon Gaming" that currently has an active League of Legends team, exploring the possibility of going for more games.