R3Calibration Tactics   id:  11676383
Name R3Calibration Tactics
Shorthandle R3Cal
Registered since 01/09/17
Headquarters  European Union
Area/Region Europe/America
R3Calibration Tactics is an advanced strat based team descended from the old ESL team: R3Cal Gaming. Any requests to join the clan please send a message to the owner - Sw3etL1e-R3Cal (PSN) where you engage in one of two types of trials. 1. You will become an honorary member on ESL and play an open cup (this trial is on Saturdays) or 2. You play ranked with us for a day including a 5v5 custom
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Latest matches
  Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #34
loss   Die - Werkzeugkiste  0 Sunday, 01/10/17 11:00
wins   V3TriX-Team  + 2 Sunday, 01/10/17 10:00
  R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #52 Europe
loss   Oldblood - Team Compact  0 Saturday, 02/09/17 12:00
wins   (bye)  Saturday, 02/09/17 11:00