Katastrophen-Kommando  5on5  id:  1180412
Name Katastrophen-Kommando
Shorthandle -[KK]-
Registered since 25/03/05
Subteam of Katastrophen-Kommando
Headquarters  Germany / Schleswig
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Latest matches
  Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 5on5 A-Series
loss   ...  -20 Sunday, 27/01/13 13:00 10
team KK 5on5
___________________________________________________________________since 2005

cod 1 78 (26-4-48) mp_railyard
cod 2 176 (74-8-91) mp_leningrad
cod 4 55 (20-2-33) mp_overgrown
cod 5 2 (1-0-1) mp_upheaval
cod 6 6 (4-0-2) mp_rundown

____________________________________________total_matches_317 update_12-05-10

Spielzeit So 1800-2100[X] instant[X] spontan[X] inaktive[ ]

Achtung extrem gammliches Spielverhalten -> einfach toggn!

Orga alle die online sind!

Playtime Su 1800-2100[X] instant[X] spontan[X] inaktive[ ]

Warning extremely lame gaming -> just play!

Orga contact the online Members!