Evolution Gaming  EVG  id:  11836283
Name Evolution Gaming
Shorthandle EVG
Registered since 21/10/17
Headquarters  Netherlands
We are Evolution Gaming, we are a team from the Netherlands that love to play games, like survival games and competitive matches. We like to play against pro players and our team like to be social to each other and not disrespecting people. And love to play with random people.
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Latest matches
  Apex Legends (PC) 3on3 Open Cup #2 Europe
loss   INURQQ  0 Tuesday, 05/03/19 14:00 8
wins   casino  + 2 Tuesday, 05/03/19 13:00 4
  Apex Legends (PC) 3on3 Open Cup #1 Europe
loss   Ven9Vipers APEX  0 Sunday, 03/03/19 10:00 6