BN eSports   id:  12319370
Name BN eSports
Registered since 18/03/18
Headquarters  United States
Area/Region North America
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Latest matches
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #211
loss   Soldiers of Valhalla B Team  0 Sunday, 29/03/20 18:30
wins   The Oven Is On Fire  + 2 Sunday, 29/03/20 17:00
BN Esports is an upcoming team that strives to bring entertainment assets in esports, bringing together some of the best competitive players in the world and biggest personalities in gaming. We hope to elevate the company to the highest levels of performance in every aspect of business in the esports industry. As we continue on our journey, we plan to collaborate with the best partners, create top-of-the-line merchandise, develop the most entertaining content, and help enable our players to surpass any obstacles to spark outstanding performance in the most prominent tournaments and leagues. BN Esports will be one of the most renowned esports clubs in the world.