Pink Elephants   id:  12362788
Name Pink Elephants
Shorthandle PET
Registered since 29/03/18
Headquarters  European Union
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Latest matches
  Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #113
loss   How to Lion  0 Sunday, 08/04/18 12:00
wins   TRXSH GXNG  + 2 Sunday, 08/04/18 11:00 5
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 08/04/18 10:00
1. Who are we? 🐘
Wir »We are Pink Elephants and are currently in the start-up phase to one of the most successful communities in the eSports scene Germany, but we also have a casual area for supporters and players who want to play for fun! Pink Elephants is characterized by her experienced board and her family atmosphere. It is always kept in contact with every team / player. That's the only way we can 100% support our members / teams and respond to their interests. We will also organize our own cups in different games.