Violent Mentality   id:  12529996
Name Violent Mentality
Shorthandle VM
Registered since 02/06/18
Headquarters  United States
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Latest matches
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #131
loss   MembersOnly  0 Sunday, 16/09/18 21:00
wins   KAPOW E-SPORTS  + 2 Sunday, 16/09/18 20:00 8
wins   REBOUND  + 2 Sunday, 16/09/18 19:00
wins   royal_canadians  + 2 Sunday, 16/09/18 18:00 5
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #129
loss   Virtuous eSports  0 Sunday, 02/09/18 19:00
wins   PG  + 2 Sunday, 02/09/18 18:00
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #128
loss   Neck eSports  0 Sunday, 26/08/18 19:00 8
wins   Hades eSport  + 2 Sunday, 26/08/18 18:00 8
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #127
loss   R3D Clan  0 Sunday, 19/08/18 18:00
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #122
loss   TF Clan  0 Sunday, 15/07/18 18:00 5
Violent Mentality is a North American based orginization who's sole purpose is to provide a mature and fun gaming atmosphere for all gamers alike, while dominating the ranks of the games we play. Our community, which is not like most others, is very family oriented and we look out for one another at all times. We support everyone here in our community; whether they are a casual gamer, competive gamer, streamer or military veteran. Our goal is to simply bring people together through the love of gaming.

We also wish to provide friendly competition to the other teams we play against, and strive to do our best and rank as high as we can. Above all else though, having fun is our number one priority. Winning is our goal, but should we lose; we will lose with dignity, and honor those who bested us on the virtual battlefield. Despite our name, we will always show a manner of respect to those who face us, lose to us, or even best us at our own game.

We are gamers, we are people, we are Violent Mentality.