7th cavalry   id:  1260542
Name 7th cavalry
Shorthandle [7th cav]
Registered since 26/05/05
Homepage http://www.7thcav.de
IRC #irc://7thcavalry  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #irc://7thcavalry  (QuakeNet)
Join team
▒▓ 7th cavalry ▓▒
Multigaming-Clan since ²°°³
⇒ visit us @ www.7thcav.de

[7th cav]-LINEUP ¬
║ℵ [7th cav] L.o.D

║ℵ [7th cav] ben303

▒▓ RuleZ ▓▒
⇒ No cheating
⇒ No offenses, No flaming
⇒ Winner has to up screens
⇒ Fairness

▒▓ ChallengeZ ▓▒
⇒ Challenges only after arrangement in ICQ or MSN.
⇒ We know the rulez and ecpect that from our opponent, too.
⇒ Confirm directly after the war.
⇒ Evaluations should be given about behaving in game and not about better skillz.

© L.o.D