Alternate Mindset Gaming  aM  id:  12678032
Name Alternate Mindset Gaming
Shorthandle aM
Registered since 27/07/18
Headquarters  United States
Area/Region SC
If you cheat on anything, you are pretty much gone.. End of story..

If you are looking for a dedicated group of gamers that are passionate about siege, then look into our full description and contact us, we are open to new passionate members.
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Latest matches
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #129
loss   Milk Truk  0 Sunday, 02/09/18 18:00
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #128
loss   Team ARES  0 Sunday, 26/08/18 18:00
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #127
loss   MEUS OVOS Team  0 Sunday, 19/08/18 18:00 6