RizenTGOT was started back in 2014 by Dragon. The reason that this clan was made was that during these years he was bullied, he was bullied though year 3 all the way to year 9 when this clan was made. His school life and home were not the best. unfortunately, his mum was diagnosed with cancer for the first time. So he wanted a place to hide, a place to become thousands of different people and never miss a beat. He could be a superhero one minute and an animal the next. He knew that if his life was not the best he had a place that was. It all got worse when his dad passed away back in 2015 and his mum was diagnosed with cancer for the second time in 2016. The reason we now still have Rizen today is that we want a place for everyone to have a place they will be able to come and feel like they belong no matter how many people say they are not good enough or people who bully them. They can come to us and feel at home we are like a family here at Rizen and we would love to see you in this family. |