Lumbitix is an International computer gaming organization and the home of several subdivided teams all of them playing different games professionally. The clan, as it is also called, was founded in Estonia in 2017 and its name stands for sports played with some dicks - Lumbitix. Having merely played Counter-Strike in the early stages, players from all around the globe travel now around the world playing several games and representing Lumbitix worldwide. Its homepage is considered as a platform for the enjoyment of eSports as a lifestyle and the contact to the clan itself.
We are now introducing the new Faggot dream team, also known as Lumbitix. This line-up consists of Lumedas, the key playmaker and bomb site opener for this dream team. The next R1hu, now that he is no longer under Stellar's toxic curse, he can continue to perform at the top level of Estonian CS. The next up trtiwnl, what can I say he's Estonia's best awper, and up-coming talent. Now this is where things get interesting. Helyum a little boy in shining armour, he's the back-bone of this team, and makes sure that everyone is set-up to make plays. Now FliNN is the man pulling the strings behind the scenes, making sure every play is planned out perfectly. So ladies and gentleman there you have it, the future of Faggots |