PinkPony   id:  12966355
Name PinkPony
Shorthandle Pinki
Registered since 31/10/18
Headquarters  Germany
Area/Region Berlin
Wir sind ein kleines Team aus Berlin,
und Versuchen jetzt etwas in die ESL-Schiene rein zu kommen.
Wir machen das nur aus Spaß um uns mit anderen Teams zu messen.

We are a small team from Berlin,
and we're trying to find a way into ESL.
We are just doing it for fun.
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Latest matches
  R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #303 Europe
loss   Nuclear Storm Gaming  0 Saturday, 22/12/18 10:00 1
loss   KJUFY  0 Saturday, 22/12/18 09:00 1
  R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Monthly Challenge November #2 Germany
loss   VibeZ eSports  0 Tuesday, 13/11/18 13:00
  Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #144
loss   HoRuS eSport  0 Sunday, 11/11/18 10:30
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 11/11/18 09:00