Revenants eSports   id:  13068443
Name Revenants eSports
Registered since 06/12/18
Headquarters  United States
Kendama  and  Titan
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Latest matches
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #201
loss   Shinobi eSports  0 Sunday, 19/01/20 18:30 6
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 19/01/20 17:00
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #193
loss   Smokin that Pack  0 Sunday, 24/11/19 18:30 7
wins   Shit team  + 2 Sunday, 24/11/19 17:00
  Go4R6 (PC) North America Cup #147
loss   Chikin  0 Sunday, 06/01/19 17:00
Acidic eSports is an org and we have an owner, 3 co owners, General Manager, and manager. We have an R6 team . Going to have a fortnite team, Minecraft team, TF2, Terraria, Role play section, possible cs and overwatch team. Content creator applications are out now. Plz, contact me if interested in joining to be a content creator or tryouts for a team. If you want to join to be apart of the community do not ask me any questions they will all be answered when you Join. I hope all of you have a good day and here you go this is the inv to the discord.