eXcellence  .JK  id:  1321716
Name eXcellence
Shorthandle #eXcel
Registered since 07/07/05
Subteam of eXcellence
Headquarters  Poland
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Probably the best 2on2 saber team in the world...


<< Contact >>

GG: 1376965
ICQ: 241-769-276

GG: 3682461
ICQ: 249974522


<< Awards >>

- 1st place in Polish 2on2 Premiership Season #1
- 1st place in International 2on2 Saber Ladder
- 3rd place in International 2on2 Reopening Cup


Remember: We're always ready to fight. You don't need to ask for a match. If you want to play, just feel free to challenge us.
And abandon all hope...