Organization5   id:  13276012
Name Organization5
Shorthandle ORG5-
Registered since 11/02/19
Headquarters  Turkey
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Latest matches
  CS:GO 5on5 Challenger Series November 2020 Finals Europe
loss   Norden eSports  0 Thursday, 17/12/20 13:00
  CS:GO 5on5 Challenger Series Cup #435 Europe
loss   ETG Gaming  0 Sunday, 22/11/20 14:00
wins   MonaspA  + 2 Sunday, 22/11/20 13:00
wins   Vestroy Gaming  + 2 Sunday, 22/11/20 12:00
wins   Yanz  + 2 Sunday, 22/11/20 11:00
wins   GWS  + 2 Sunday, 22/11/20 10:00
wins   FRAGB9X  + 2 Sunday, 22/11/20 09:00
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 22/11/20 08:00
  CS:GO Intel ESL Türkiye Şampiyonası Yaz Sezonu - Eleme #3 - 2019
loss   ABİKARDEŞLER  0 Saturday, 29/06/19 12:00
wins   Wrist Art Gaming  + 2 Saturday, 29/06/19 11:00
We , Organization5; We are an electronic sports club that aims and supports the development of electronic sports.

Our goal is not just to have fun in developed and developing computer games, but also to see it as a professionalism. By collecting successful players we ensure that they are present in our e-sports market with our team, and we aim to make them known in the e-sports sector with our team, which also looks at business like transfer-management on the market.