EZG Team PT  Apex Legends  id:  13561873
Name EZG Team PT
Shorthandle eZg
Registered since 04/04/19
Subteam of EZG Team
Headquarters  Portugal
Area/Region PT
Tournaments Process:

3ª Place Apex Legends (PC) 3on3 Open Cup #2 Portugal
----eZg Team----
Ruben Exxohn Freitas
Fabio Exys Silva
Pedro skootchie Tomasini
Vasco wonikz Morgado
Luis Elements Cunha
NiiB  and  Wonikz
Join team
Latest matches
  Apex Legends (PC) 3on3 Open Cup #9 Portugal
loss   Apexis  0 Wednesday, 10/04/19 16:05 4
  Apex Legends (PC) 3on3 Open Cup #7 Portugal
loss   WeGotTheMozambiques  0 Thursday, 04/04/19 16:05 4