Two Ball Chasers   id:  13687957
Name Two Ball Chasers
Registered since 10/05/19
Subteam of The Ball Chasers
Headquarters  Germany
Area/Region South-West
Because the Go4 Rocket League tournaments do no longer exist, we decided to play alternative Tournaments with only a couple of people.
Subteam of "The Ball Chasers" for regional 2v2 Tournaments.

We still believe in ball chasing so stay tuned for some awesome plays #kappaface #exaIsNoProblem
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Latest matches
  Rocket League 2on2 Open Cup #46 Germany
loss   Mainframe Gaming  0 Saturday, 28/03/20 14:20
wins   WINTEX-FEUA  + 2 Saturday, 28/03/20 14:00
  Rocket League 2on2 Open Cup #1 Germany
loss   Playing Ducks  0 Friday, 10/05/19 14:40
wins   IchBinNichtZickig  + 2 Friday, 10/05/19 14:15
wins   N4eSports Germany  + 2 Friday, 10/05/19 13:50
wins   Winnie Puh Two  + 2 Friday, 10/05/19 13:25 2
wins   (bye)  Friday, 10/05/19 13:00