ChRoNoS eSports   id:  13773512
Name ChRoNoS eSports
Registered since 06/06/19
Headquarters  Italy
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Latest matches
  Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #173
loss   PG  0 Sunday, 31/05/20 10:30
wins   Crazy_people  + 2 Sunday, 31/05/20 09:00
  Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #172
loss   ViZN  0 Sunday, 24/05/20 10:30
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 24/05/20 09:00
  Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #171
loss   CLR  0 Sunday, 17/05/20 12:00
wins   -InvIcta_eSport-  + 2 Sunday, 17/05/20 10:30
wins   IVA  + 2 Sunday, 17/05/20 09:00
  Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #109
loss   Keta’s BOYS  0 Saturday, 05/10/19 10:30
wins   ITz_GM-  + 2 Saturday, 05/10/19 09:10
  Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #136
loss   Lapygang  0 Sunday, 15/09/19 09:00
Ciao siamo un Team competitive che punta molto in alto reclutando ogni giorno molti ragazzi per diventare sempre più estesi e ci alleniamo ogni giorno per vincere più tornei possibili spero vi piaccia il nostro team e se volete entrarci mi potete mandare un email che vi farò entrare vedendo ovviamente tutte le vostre statistiche 💪❤️/Hi guys we are a competitive team that aims very high we recruit mti boys every day to become more and more extended and we train to win as many tournaments as possible I hope you like our team and if you want to join us you can send me an email that I will let you see if you obviously see all your statistics 💪❤️