Raptors eSports - Ostblock   id:  13781387
Name Raptors eSports - Ostblock
Shorthandle Rptr
Registered since 09/06/19
Homepage http://raptors-esports.de
Subteam of -
Headquarters  Germany
r0b1zZle  and  sNydeR.
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Latest matches
  Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #174
loss   Kowalski? Analyse  0 Sunday, 09/06/19 15:00
wins   bois  + 2 Sunday, 09/06/19 13:30
wins   ProLegion Gaming - R6S  + 2 Sunday, 09/06/19 12:00
wins   Reboot  + 2 Sunday, 09/06/19 10:30 9
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 09/06/19 09:00