WiLD GiMPS - DoD 2on2  Squad 1  id:  1383381
Name WiLD GiMPS - DoD 2on2
Shorthandle [WiGi]
Registered since 15/08/05
Homepage http://dod.wildgimps.de/
IRC #WiLDGiMPS  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of WiLD GiMPS
Headquarters  Germany
DoD 2on2 Squad of the "WiLD GiMPS"

Please contact us on ICQ before challanging or your challange might be declined. Thank you.

We have our own - ESL ready configured - Warserver which could be used for all of our matches. Take a look at the "Gameserver" field for IP. The PW will be send to the Opponents Team through ICQ or IRC before the match starts.
IRC #WiLDGiMPS  (QuakeNet)
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