Fellowship8 - 2on2   id:  1384892
Name Fellowship8 - 2on2
Shorthandle #8.
Registered since 16/08/05
Homepage http://www.fellowship8.com
IRC #fellowship8  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of The Fellowship of the Eight
Headquarters  Italy
IRC #fellowship8  (QuakeNet)
Join team
║•••••• Fellowship8 ™ 2on2 team ••••••


║─→ Anti-cheats Required:

║ › SC: ON
║ › CD/VAC: ON
║ › HLG: OFF


║─→ Game Conditions:

║ › Before challenging us, please contact sbaNdato9 or p4n|c0 on icq or seek at
║ mIRC
║ on #fellowship8 .
║ › We will play when we are online
║ › Wars will be arranged on IRC


║─→ Roaster

║ › sbaNdato9
║ › p4n|c0


║─→ Sponsors:

║ › TheGamesMachine :: www.tgmonline.it


║ ─ u can find us on #fellowship8 ─


║─→ Awards:

║ › .3rd @ ESL ITA CS 2on2 MR12 summercup2 (08/2005)
║ › .2nd @ ESL ITA CS 2on2 MR12 Ladder (10/2005)


║ Just For win - The Real Sense of Gaming!