CssK 2vs2   id:  1394714
Name CssK 2vs2
Shorthandle CssK
Registered since 23/08/05
Homepage http://www.cssk.be.cx
IRC #CssK  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of Counter Strike Smoker Killer
Headquarters  Belgium
IRC #CssK  (QuakeNet)
Join team
==== CssK ==== Since October 2001 =====

? League

• CS 2on2 MR12 Ladder Fr

? Contact us

• Website: Counter Strike Smoker Killer
• Chan: #CssK @Qnet
• Contact Blatte or Rustine on IRC before challenging! thanks

? Support

• #servergamers for ventrilo

? Sponsor

• We seek of another sponsor for server, bnc, Lan or other.

? Line up Cs 2on2

• Rustine.Blatte

==== CssK ==== Since October 2001 =====