hardplay - CSCZ Oldschool  Inaktiv  id:  1429642
Name hardplay - CSCZ Oldschool
Shorthandle hp
Registered since 18/09/05
Homepage http://www.hardplay.info
IRC #hardplay  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #hardplay  (QuakeNet)
Join team
║ hardplay.CZ

║► Sponsoren
║► English Version below

║► CST
║ Die Produkte von CST sind aller erste
║ Klasse!!
║► Sponsors

║► CST

║ We would like to thank CST for the incredible
║ Support for our Squad
║ CST Products are insane!

║ ► SquadLeader: RuSh.detonate
║ ► Squadmanager: RuSh.daaan
║ SteamID's

║ ► hp // detonate 0:0:861329

║ ► hp // daaan 0:1:52211

║ ► hp // sun 0:1:177250

║ ► hp // imokie 0:0:161371

║ ► hp // schakal 0:0:50462
1st @ ESL CS:CZ Wintercup

║ Keep cool, itZ only a Game....
║ hardplay is INVITE only!