Galactic Titans GC   id:  14811508
Name Galactic Titans GC
Shorthandle GTGC
Registered since 18/02/20
Headquarters  United States
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Latest matches
  Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #220
loss   overnighT mob  0 Sunday, 31/05/20 18:30
wins   SnaZ  + 2 Sunday, 31/05/20 17:00
  Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #219
loss   keiga do be boosted  0 Sunday, 24/05/20 18:30
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 24/05/20 17:00
  Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #217
loss   Kole E-sports  0 Sunday, 10/05/20 17:00
  Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #216
loss   CarriedByOneManThatsDiamond  0 Sunday, 03/05/20 18:30
wins   bread  + 2 Sunday, 03/05/20 17:00
  Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #212
loss   Sh1ttrs  0 Sunday, 05/04/20 20:00
wins   Were gonna lose  + 2 Sunday, 05/04/20 18:30
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 05/04/20 17:00
GT Gaming is a open gaming team. Our mission is to bring about friends, fun, fair play on all levels, casual, competitive, or stream gameplay. In the near future we hope to have a opportunity to play on a competitive level. This is a stream friendly team and encourage players to do so to promote them and our team. Come check on our team for a chance to open up opportunities to meet new friends and game with new players. We are open to ages twelve (12) and up. Those who are under the age of eighteen (18) will need parental consent. We will not tolerate discrimination or racism its against our mission