Team Limitless   id:  15142335
Name Team Limitless
Shorthandle LL
Registered since 01/04/20
Headquarters  Netherlands
Join team
Latest matches
  Rocket League 2on2 Midweek Madness #226 Europe
loss   Kleesies  0 Wednesday, 15/04/20 13:25
wins   OX gaming ( with rush )  + 2 Wednesday, 15/04/20 13:00
  Rocket League 2on2 Midweek Madness #225 Europe
loss   VICE VERSA  0 Wednesday, 08/04/20 15:30
wins   Neighbors in Paris  + 2 Wednesday, 08/04/20 15:05 2
wins   Ehre genommen  + 2 Wednesday, 08/04/20 14:40
wins   VCW  + 2 Wednesday, 08/04/20 14:15
wins   GBZ RL  + 2 Wednesday, 08/04/20 13:50 5
wins   MakkerRakkerGamingRL  + 2 Wednesday, 08/04/20 13:25
wins   DELUX  + 2 Wednesday, 08/04/20 13:00 3
  Rocket League 3on3 Super Sunday #32 Europe
loss   FAT-ESPORTS  0 Sunday, 05/04/20 08:50

We are a Rocket League team named Limitless.
We are working on a new server because our old server was ''dead'' and we needed renewal.

We are looking for people from any rank but we mainly focus on making a
Limitless freestyle team, a ranked team between c1-c3 and GC and for people who can Hit cool clips!

We are looking for creative/skilled/kind people who want to make our team stronger, help us by giving suggestions and tips, making tutorials and building on a competitive and freestyle team.

Editors, designers and people who want to have fun in general are all Welcome! We will try to make teams for every region whether its EU, US, OCE etc.

Your help and participations will be greatly appreciated!!!

Greetings from the LL Team!