The Serbian Jesus and Padawans   id:  15237341
Name The Serbian Jesus and Padawans
Registered since 08/04/20
Headquarters  Hungary
Player (5)
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Latest matches
  R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #102 Hungary
wins   Starker alszik  + 2 Friday, 10/04/20 17:00
wins   Impress!ve  + 2 Friday, 10/04/20 16:00
wins   Békéscsabai E-sport Egyesület  + 2 Friday, 10/04/20 15:00 2
wins   Arsenic Gaming  + 2 Friday, 10/04/20 14:00 2
wins   huncuptryhard  + 2 Friday, 10/04/20 13:00 2
wins   HORUS  + 2 Friday, 10/04/20 12:00 3