TeaM KilLeRs.CsS   id:  1532678
Name TeaM KilLeRs.CsS
Shorthandle TkEr*
Registered since 27/11/05
Homepage http://www.teamkiller.altervis..
Headquarters  Italy
Join team
╠═══TeaM KilLeRs ClaN Since 2005 ═══╣


╠► Anghi - [email protected]
╠► Andry0 - [email protected]



╠► TkEr*Anghi
╠► TkEr*andry0
╠► TkEr*KingKobra
╠► TkEr*NOXx
╠► TkEr*ISeeDeadPeople
╠► TkEr*NO-ONE
╠► TkEr*Skullbroken
╠► TkEr*Pablito


║ [INFO]

╠► Challenge us 5 days before u wanna play.
╠► We only accept "demo required" matches for all the players.
╠► We play in Vac2 and cvarblock 1.3 servers.
╠► Don't challenge us if you can't satisfy our requests.
