Modern-Elite R6 Team Charlie   id:  15469603
Name Modern-Elite R6 Team Charlie
Shorthandle MD-E
Registered since 27/04/20
Subteam of Modern-Elite eSports
Headquarters  International
We, the Team Modern-Elite are an incoming eSport team that has existed since 2015 and is founded in Germany! At the beginning of 2019, we decided to step more towards eSports. Of course there were ups and downs, but as long as the team chemistry is right, anything is possible!
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Latest matches
  Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #221
loss   Mazoku  0 Sunday, 03/05/20 10:30
wins   Second Most Valuable Player  + 2 Sunday, 03/05/20 09:00 56
  R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 All Stars Tournament #5 2020 Europe
loss   Emacity Gaming  0 Saturday, 02/05/20 09:00