Godfathers of Destruction  Mainteam  id:  1562110
Name Godfathers of Destruction
Shorthandle GOD*
Registered since 14/12/05
Homepage http://www.airstrike.de
IRC GOD*  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
DJH  and  wH1p-Offline
IRC GOD*  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Enemy Territory 3on3 League Summer 2009 Division 3
wins   suffering by #r@g  + 3 Sunday, 23/08/09 16:00 5
wins   Smanetti BROS  + 3 Wednesday, 12/08/09 15:00 16
loss   eXtreMe SolDierS  0 Sunday, 02/08/09 15:00 21
wins   Team DATA  + 3 Monday, 27/07/09 16:00 5
#Godfathers of Destruction Multigaming Clan since 2002

#More infos on our Homepage
#Other leagues we play

Clanbase Active since 2002 Not Ranked

Liga4Fun not this season

ETL Not Ranked

Protek 3on3 Cup
#Rankings Since 2002
ESL ET 3on3 Ladder (Int) 2009 1st
l4f ET 3on3 (Ligagruppe 2) 2009 1st
Protek 3on3 Cup (Season 3) 2009 Halffinal
l4f ET 3on3 (Neueinsteiger 1) 2007 2nd
Clanbase ET 3on3 (Benelux) 2006 5th
l4f ET 3on3 (Finalcup) 2006 7th
Clanbase ET 3on3 (Fall Cup 3rd Div.) 2005 3rd
l4f ET 3on3 (Neueinsteiger 3) 2005 2nd
Warleaguez 6on6 (Foxtrot Group) 2005 3rd
ET-Liga 6on6 (Liga4a) 2004 2nd
ET-Liga 6on6 (Liga3b) 2004 3rd