║ ──────── ¤ qualityGaming CS:S ¤ ──────────
║ ﯽ ¤ Leader,Gründer ¤
║ ►#quality|Beck
║ ﯽ ¤ Team Captain ¤
║ ►#quality|Teekx
║ ﯽ ¤ War-Orga ¤
║ ►#quality|Teekx
║ ﯽ ¤ Fighter ¤
║ ►#quality|BlackIC3
║ ►#quality|S-Downhill
║ ►#quality|cloudshell
║ »»»» Wir suchen noch AKTIVE Member !! ««««
║ If you want to join us click here 4 more information
║ ﯽ »» Rules ««
║►Please contact only the Warorga or Team-Manager via
║ ICQ or E-Mail before challenging
║►Wardays: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday
║►Dont Flame and Lame
║ ¤ Gameservers: ¤
║ www.Quality-Gaming.de || Gameserver ||
║ www.Quality-Gaming.de || Warserver
╚═════════════════════════════════╝ |