Piratenschiff 'Sklavenkatapult'   id:  1572292
Name Piratenschiff 'Sklavenkatapult'
Shorthandle pyr
Registered since 21/12/05
Homepage http://www.google.de
IRC #piratestyle  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
ღcaptain coslazღ and his crew arrive at ESL-Beach
ღcaptain coslazღ is still thinking of being #1 would be great.
ღ1. Maat sundayღ watches out for trouble.
ღ2. Maat hღ saves the place around the captain with the sniper.
ღSeegeleinholer lNyღ is tellin himself bout the real truth (?)
ღAnkerwerfer f1shb0tღ - just f1sh

but for real..OUR intention cant be stopped by you fucking N.E.R.D's - ღwe`re backღ
IRC #piratestyle  (QuakeNet)
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