Enthral   id:  16197148
Name Enthral
Shorthandle ENL
Registered since 21/09/20
Homepage https://discord.gg/ZqjSRAf
Headquarters  Australia
Player (5)
Join team
Latest matches
  PUBG Continental Series 3: Asia Pacific - Oceania Qualifier
loss   CHAMP  + 3 Wednesday, 07/10/20 07:15
loss   Team 404  0 Wednesday, 07/10/20 06:30
loss   Dauntless  + 1 Wednesday, 07/10/20 05:45
loss   Sakura  + 1 Wednesday, 07/10/20 05:00
loss   AKA  + 2 Wednesday, 07/10/20 04:15
loss   CHAMP  0 Wednesday, 07/10/20 03:30
loss   Eternity  + 1 Tuesday, 06/10/20 07:15
loss   Thrust  + 2 Tuesday, 06/10/20 06:30
loss   Sakura  0 Tuesday, 06/10/20 05:45
loss   AQUI  0 Tuesday, 06/10/20 05:00
About Us
Enthral is an ESports team that plays competitively in PUBG. Enthral was founded on the 30th December 2019 by co-founders MrDDrocks & TriHardHero. Our mission is to exceed our best and work beyond what we think we can do. Our aim is to succeed in tournaments that get thrown in our way and work towards playing as one team.

"En-thr-all" refers to capture the attention/fascinate of someone.

The Enthral logo shows a Hydra as the mascot. With the four heads, they represent the four players in our team. The four heads are linked into one body which represents the four players coming together and working together to achieve the goals. Each Hydra head has a different eye colour which represents the four colour player slots in PUBG. The Enthral name is held by the Hydra which represents the team holding the team value through our team name.

Co-founders: Zomniac & TriHardHero
Rosters/Discord: Zzomniac
Social Media: TriHardHero
IGL: Truism