spray!   id:  1637092
Name spray!
Shorthandle spray!
Registered since 27/01/06
IRC #spray  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of nedameanikolo
Headquarters  Czechia
Area/Region spray
Wanna challenge us?

>>> U must have 1250pts+
>>> U must play on our server or u must have good server:p
>>> We love the esl rulles, if u break them we make a prostest, but u can leave on 16:X state(the exception proves the rule:)).

!!!!!All whinning, chatting whole match, acusing of cheating will let to our protest.!!!!
IRC #spray  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Latest matches
  CS:S Open Ladder 2on2 Europe
loss   thewinners  -16 Thursday, 01/09/11 06:42 3
loss   BANGING 7 GRAM ROCKS  -18 Thursday, 01/09/11 06:17 3